Offshore Heating Solutions
For over 165 proud years, our family-run manufacturing plant has been churning out customized, high-quality heating and boiler solutions to global markets. Always with a painstaking eye for detail, always with the customer in mind. Since we first entered the booming marine and offshore markets in the 1970s, our engineering qualities and superior products have continued to gain ground, and we’re now proud to be Norway’s number one supplier of steam and heat solutions. PARAT Halvorsen has long since gone global. Our products are put to the test every day, on every contintent, and our excellence is long proven. Trust us to keep it boiling.

The heat is on.
PARAT Halvorsen is right where we should be. We’re staffed by top-tier skilled people, we’re perfectly located for exports, we’re innovation-driven and we’re deeply dedicated to what we do:
Offer the most efficient, cutting-edge and high quality steam and heat solutions in the industry.
The marine- and offshore industries are quality-conscious like never before. We’re proud to be a preferred partner for custom turnkey solutions for a large number of domestic and international players, and always strive for perfection.
When the heat is on, we stay in control.
PARAT Halvorsen has an extensive range of products for most heating requirements including waste heat recovery from diesel and gas turbines. For special requirements we can design electrical heating systems fully integrated in the power generation and heat recovery process. We can supply anything from small potable hot water modules to extensive and complex low and high pressure steam generation systems. Always fully optimized, customized and well documented.
Plug and play.
PARAT Halvorsen manages the total project from initial study through detailed engineering, procurement and fabrication to installation, hook-up, commissioning and service. Our main philosophy is to provide complete turnkey systems that enable quick and efficient installation and start-up along with safe and reliable operation through the entire life cycle of the vessel/rig.
Global service.
PARAT has established a global presence for repairs, replacements, conversions, upgrades, refurbishments and modifications.
We can perform full service and overhaul of boiler systems and do detailed evaluations and operational analysis to ensure each system is operating at optimal performance.
We love a good challenge. And we always play to win.
Heating medium.
Topside processing facilities generally require a significant supply of energy in the form of heat. The most common medium for heat distribution is hot water which is easy to produce, transport and involves a relatively low safety risk compared to thermal oil or high pressure steam.
PARAT has extensive experience designing and supplying heating medium modules and packages for offshore installation and integration. We can provide any system based on any kind of fuel or heat source fully designed for safe and reliable operation. Give us your process critera and we will give you the best possible solution to meet all your requirements.
We naturally focus on maximizing sustainability and work hard to utilize recoverable heat in all levels of the heating medium loop. Fully integrated waste heat recovery syst-ems and exhaust gas economizers are an important part of any design.
We provide:
- Steam based heating medium.
- Thermal oil heating medium systems up to 380°C.
- Hot water based heating medium systems up to 30 barg / 200°C.
- Complete EPCIC delivery of all systems mentioned above.
Emission Free.
Conversion from POWER to HEAT
Sustainable power generation in upstream oil and gas exploration and production is coming more and more into focus as the reservoirs are located in increasingly deep waters and the hydrocarbon compounds are increasingly complex and heavy and therefore require more energy to transport and process.
In cases where it is logistically feasible, a sustainable way to reduce emissions from offshore power production is to replace the power plant with power supply from an external source. This can be land based hydroelectric, wind, biomass or any other renewable energy source or possibly from offshore wind-farms or wave-power plants. In such cases the heating for process, cleaning, HVAC and other consumers will have to be generated on board using an electrical heater.
- Save up to 90% deck space
- Reduce operating weight by up to 75%
- Reduce investment and installation costs by as much as 50-70%
Hot water.
Reliable and safe potable hot water supply to accommodation, galley and other fresh water consumers is of critical importance to any offshore fixed or floating installation.
PARAT Halvorsen has the necessary experience to provide complete hot water modules for small to large applications. We design the complete system including the calorifier, piping, structural and control. We can utilize any available heat source from electrical immersion heaters to steam or hot water coils and ensure a system design that eliminates any risk of contamination and bacterial growth.