Oil/gas fired low pressure hot water boiler 2.1 - 6.0MW, 6-16 bar, up to 120°C

  • Clean combustion with low nitrogen oxide emissions
  • No minimum heating water flow rate required – wide water galleries and a large water content provide excellent natural circulation and reliable heat transfer – simplified hydraulic connection
  • Low pressure drop on the hot gas side through convection heating surfaces with large hot gas pipes
  • Low radiation losses through thick composite thermal insulation
  • The Vitocontrol control panel enables the regulation of all boiler-related control equipment
  • Approval in accordance with the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC or the Gas Appliances Directive 90/396/EEC

The Vitomax 300/200-LW is a low pressure hot water boiler for permissible flow temperatures up to 120 °C, permissible operating pressures of 6, 10 and 16 bar and a rated heating output ranging from 2.1 to 20 MW. The Vitomax 300-LW (Low-NOx series) is a three-pass boiler with low combustion chamber loading, which ensures clean combustion with low nitrogen oxide emissions.

Reliable technology
No minimum heating water flow rate is required for the Vitomax. Wide water galleries and large water content provide excellent natural circulation and reliable heat transfer – this makes the hydraulic connection easier. Finally, the Vitomax features a low pressure drop on the hot gas side through convection heating surfaces with large hot gas pipes.

Quick commissioning through preassembled containerized systems
Time is money – particularly for industrial and commercial enterprises, where new central heating systems often have to be operational in the shortest possible time, so that heat for production can be supplied on time. For speedy installation and commissioning, Viessmann now also offers complete Vitomax hot water systems as pre-assembled container solutions that are compact and easy to transport.

Saving time during installation
Alongside the Vitomax boilers, systems of similar magnitude are comprised of a range of further essential components, such as facilities to analyse and treat the boiler water, to distribute heat, pressure maintaining systems and a control centre. The various assemblies are each precisely tailored to the customer's specific requirements.

More information

Espen Nygaard

Sales and Project Engineer

Telephone: +47 99 48 55 28


Datablad - Vitomax 300-LW M82A

Last ned produktark

Installation Instructions - Vitomax 300-LW M82A EN


Technical Guide - Vitomax 300-LW M82A EN



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