18. Dec 2018
MEL Electrical Hot Water boiler EX-version to Equinor, Njord Bravo, FSU
Njord Bravo will act as a floating storage and loading vessel on the Njord field until 2040.

This upgrade is to be carried out at Aibel's Yard in Haugesund from March 2019. Process engineering and design is done by Brevik Engineering AS. (Photo: dn.no)
PARAT Halvorsen AS will supply a complete MEL Electric hot water boiler in EX version of 2600kW with control cabinets, pumps and equipment. This boiler is to be used for tank heating where the oil pumped into the tank is to be kept its viscosity.PARAT Halvorsen AS has target to deliver the tank heating system to Njord Bravo in March 2019. (Photo: PARAT Halvorsen as)
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