BioMar orders 8MW Electrode Steam Boiler
PARAT Halvorsen will replace an old fired boiler with a new modern High Voltage Electrode Boiler, designed and produced in Flekkefjord.

BioMar is beautifully located by the sea in Myre, Norway. (Photo: BioMar)
BioMar in Myre has ordered a new 8MW High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler. The boiler has a capacity of 12 tons steam/h, 22kV connection, 13 barg design pressure and 195°C design temperature.
The steam boiler will be installed in the customer's existing boiler house, where we will replace the old fired boiler with a new Electrode Boiler. Our delivery includes a pre-fabricated skid with circulation pump and pipe circuit, PARAT performs the connection to the customer's existing pipe system.
PARAT also delivers circulation pump and water treatment including RO systems with 10,000 ltr/h capacity. We use the customer's existing feed water tank and blow-off tank.
We take care of the hoisting of the boiler, installation, commissioning and adjustment. The start-up of the plant will be carried out in the summer of 2022.BioMar is a world leader in high performance diets for more than 45 different fish and shrimp species in more than 80 countries. (Photo: BioMar)
About BioMar
BioMar is a world leader in high performance diets for more than 45 different fish and shrimp species in more than 80 countries.
Founded in 1962 by a group of Danish fish farmers, BioMar’s heritage is a long-term commitment to developing the aquaculture industry in a responsible and sustainable way.
Our main focus is supporting our customers delivering healthy, great tasting seafood. We do this by innovating efficient, safe and nutritious feed for aquaculture with minimal environmental impact.
Our global scale, local agility and execution focus ensure that we can meet individual customer needs – always with departure in proven results and a meticulous focus on food safety.
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