Johan Sverdrup - Phase 2

Project: Electrode Hot Water Boilers
Client: Equinor
Product link: IEH Electrode Boiler
Equinor chose PARAT Halvorsen to deliver the first 2 x 12 MW High Voltage Electrode Boilers for the heating medium circuit on Johan Sverdrup that will be electrified from shore.
The field will be operated by electrical power generated onshore, reducing offshore emissions of climate gases by 80% - 90% compared to a standard development utilizing gas turbines on the NCS. With Statoil’s focus on reducing emissions, the modern PARAT Electrode Boiler with efficiency of 99,5% will contribute significantly to the electrification of Johan Sverdrup.
Johan Sverdrup Phase 2 will be supplied by renewable power from Haugsneset on the Norwegian mainland. The DC power will be transformed to AC on the P2 module and distributed to the consumers. A main consumer is the electrical boilers generating the heat for the Heating medium system. The Electrode boilers will be operating on the 11 kV busbar.
The PARAT boiler design is based on more than 25 year’s experience with the boiler type, 12 year’s experience with the boiler in FPSO operation, and state of the art gained from more than 400 MW deliveries to European Power plants, chemical- and process industry.
The delivery from PARAT will be a complete skid mounted heating central with boilers, pumps, water treatment, heat exchangers and control system. Together with the client we have found good and safe solutions for access, operation and maintenance.