District Heating

Parat Halvorsen has since 1920 been a leading supplier of boilers to the industrial market, delivering more than 7,000 units. Our customers include dairies, cleaners, bakeries, slaughterhouses, hospitals and the processing industry. Our plants range from 15 kW to 60,000 kW. All forms of energy are used, including oil, gas, bio-fuel, waste-heat and electrical.
Our priority area is steam and hotwater plants over 110°C as well as hotwater and thermal oil systems. We supply complete boilerhouses and containersystems. Our strength lies in providing complete packages, from design to ready installed boiler systems.
Here are some of our district heating deliveries / references, we have lots more .. contact us for info:

Tafjord Kraft Fjernvarme. Capacity: 20MW. Boiler model: IEH. Customer: Tafjord Kraft.

Holmlia Fjernvarme. Capacity: 27MW + 13MW boiler. Customer: Hafslund.

Skagerak Varme / Tønsberg. Capacity: 3x10MW boiler. Customer: Skagerak Varme.

Skien Fjernvarme / Nylende. Capacity: 8MW boiler. Customer: Skien Fjernvarme.

Nidarvoll Varmesentral. Capacity: 25MW boiler. Customer: Trondheim Energi Fjernvarme.