We invite you to SMM 6-9 September 2016, Hamburg
PARAT Halvorsen are located inside the norwegian pavilion in Hall B7, Stand 231.

We would like to invite you to our stand to give you more information about utilizing waste heat, our high quality Electrical Boilers and efficiency solutions for existing heating system at SMM in Hamburg 6-9 september 2016.
High Voltage Electrode Boiler
If you need more information about our modern High Voltage Electrode Boiler possibilities for Power to Heat, this is a good place to meet us.
To book a meeting please send us an e-mail to jsv@parat.no to request your preferred date and time. We are located in Hall B7, Stand 231. Let me know if you need free tickets to the exhibition.
Don't forget to sign-up for our brand new Newsletter with all the latest news about our Marine Solutions. Sign-up form is located on the left.
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