We invite you to En+Eff 2016 in Frankfurt
PARAT Halvorsen AS will participate at En+Eff 19-21 april 2016 in Frankfurt, bringing all the latest news about our High Voltage Electrode Boiler to the stand.

We would like to invite you to our stand to discuss our High Voltage Electrode Boiler possibilities for Power to Heat at En+Eff 2016 in Frankfurt 19-21 april. To book a meeting please send us an e-mail to jsv@parat.no to request your preferred date and time. We are located in Hall 4, Stand B22.
Download the En+Eff 2016 program
Don't forget to sign-up for our brand new Newsletter with all the latest news about our Electrode Boiler. Sign-up form is located on the left.Don't forget to pickup the latest copy of the excellent EuroHeat & Power magazine.
A quick introduction to our Electrode boiler system.
More information