PARAT's first Electrode Boiler order from Italy
PARAT Halvorsen AS to deliver a 10MW High Voltage Electrode Hotwater Boiler to Italy's biggest District Heating Company, A2A Calore & Servizi.

The A2A's District Heating facility at Centrale Canavese in Milan.
PARAT Halvorsen AS will deliver a modern Electrode hotwater boiler with control system as well as the design of the primary circuit and skid. The boiler will be connected to A2A's district heating plant at Centrale Canavese in Milan and used for peak load and grid regulation at this plant.
This is a 6kV Electrode Boiler with design pressure of 6 barg. The design temperature is 165°C with working pressure of 3-5 barg.
About A2A Calore & Servizi:
Is a company of the A2A Group, a market leader in Italy of district heating, with over 40 years of experience of planning and managing district heating in the areas of Milan, Brescia and Bergamo.