PARAT invites you to Stadtwerke Neumünster
Get the chance to see a running full scale PARAT High Voltage Electrode Boiler system on the 6th of september.

During the SMM exhibition in Hamburg where PARAT Halvorsen will be exhibiting, we got the chance to invite you to see our full scale Electrode Boiler system at Stadtwerke Neumünster in Secondary Grid Regulation, on the 6th of September.
We have a limit of approx. 25 persons for this tour. Deadline to register is 29th of July. We know there is a lot of interest to visit a full scale system, so register quickly to secure your spot. Send an e-mail to jsv@parat.no to register.
This will be a bus ride with us from SMM Hamburg up to Neumünster and back again with refreshments. There is no registration fee.
Stadtwerke Neumünster Facts:
PARAT Halvorsen AS wants to introduce you to our modern High Voltage Electrode Boiler for both Steam or Hot water. Our system is the market leader for POWER to HEAT in Europe and our customers have seen the great benefits of our Electrode Boilers and its grid regulation.
Please contact us to book a meeting at the exhibition on SMM Hamburg; we are located in Hall 7, Stand 201. If you need tickets to the exhibition, let us know and we will send you an Invitation code.
More Information