New MEL-C Electrical Combined Boiler to VARD Singapore
PARAT Halvorsen as has been rewarded a new contract with Vard Singapore Pte. Ltd for their NB792, a Platform Supply Vessel to be constructed at their shipyard Vang Tau in Vietnam.

The PSV vessel is of VARD 1 08 design and will be delivered to owner Farstad Shipping ASA in Autumn 2014.
The 1250kW electric boiler will be delivered as a combined Hot Water & Steam Boiler. PARAT will deliver a complete boiler plant consisting of all necessary equipment for tank heating (fulfilling the NOFO 2009 requirements) and in addition also the hot water supply for central heating and domestic water system.
The PARAT MEL-C Electric boiler design has become a most popular boiler among PSV ship builders, not only for the dual hot water/ steam system possibilities, but also versus oil fired boilers, due to its compact size, no need of fuel line system, no pipe stack, easy regulation, no noise and much less maintenance.
The PSV vessel is of VARD 1 08 design and will be delivered to owner Farstad Shipping ASA in Autumn 2014.
The Platform Supply Vessel is to be constructed at the VARD shipyard Vang Tau in Vietnam.