BKK with official opening of DOKKEN Heat Center
Official opening of the new BKK heating plant in Bergen, Norway and their new 25MW High Voltage Electrode Boiler from Parat Halvorsen AS.

Dokken Heat Center is 25MW and will be a boiler that will take peak loads in the district heating network in Bergen. It is used when the garbage incineration plant fails to deliver enough heat to the grid.
The plant was officially opened by BKK Excecutive Jannicke Hilland.
The Video shows the Electrode boiler with equipment being lifted in place. (BKK Varme)
The High Voltage Electrode boiler can be delivered both as steam and hot water boilers with a maximum pressure of 30 bar. Our electrode boiler is based on a proprietary design and has been produced and delivered from our factory in Norway for over 25 years.
Visit us at En + Eff in Frankfurt 19 - 21 April 2016
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