Bergesen Worldwide Offshore
In short the Heating Medium System consists of 3pcs 15MW WHRU boilers supplied by Thermax India and one 8MW backup heater supplied by Parat Halvorsen AS along with a hotwater distribution system, also supplied by Parat.

Parat was given responsibility for the overall function of the system along with the production and supply of the skid containing the main circulation pumps, OIW Observation tank and a complete 8MW High Voltage Electrode boiler system.
The skid containing the backup boiler system and complete circulation and fluid observation equipment was shipped from our factory in Flekkefjord in the end of January. Due to engine problems on the freighter, the package arrived in Singapore quite a few weeks later than originally planned and caused some challenges with the timing at the module workshop, Dyna Mac Engineering Ltd.
Parat Halvorsen sent two representatives to Keppel in the beginning of May to ensure that all remaining items were taken sufficiently care of and to supervise some mechanical installation work.
The system is scheduled for comissioning in July-August 2009.
The Heating Medium Skid with the new 8MW Marine type High Voltage Electrode boiler arrived at DynaMac Engineering on April 17th. 2009. It was installed on the M90 Power module (structure shown on the lefthand side) in record time before the entire module was lifted onboard the BW PIONEER at Keppel Yards.
The three 15MW Waste Heat Recovery Units on the M90 Power Module were delivered by Thermax India. Parat Halvorsen has supplied the instrumentation, PSV’s and valves for hot water distribution to the process module. In the upper right corner the Heating Medium Expansion tank is shown. The tank was shipped from Flekkefjord along with the Heating Medium Skid.
The Heating Medium Skid and the Heating Medium Expansion tank seem quite small when compared to the rest of the process equipment aboard the BW PIONEER. The skid and tank are shown in the upper right area of the picture above.