7MW Electrode Steam Boiler started up at Currenta
The new 7 MW / 10kV / 32 Barg High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler, with a 1 MW superheater which increases the steam temperature to 380-400°C.

The High Voltage Electrode Boiler setup at Currenta Chempark Leverkusen. (Photo: Currenta)
The Electrode Boiler supplies steam to the 32 bar steam grid at Chempark Leverkusen.
The High Voltage Electrode Boiler skid and Superheater is supplied by PARAT Halvorsen, with Currenta taking care of the assembly of this project.
Info about Chempark Leverkusen:
Leverkusen is one of the world’s most versatile locations for the chemical industry. More than 5,000 chemicals are manufactured here and, if necessary, disposed of safely. Hazardous chemical waste is handled expertly at our Bürrig Waste and Recycling Management Center, which is far from being just a regional facility.
The 480-hectare Leverkusen site offers excellent opportunities for all kinds of companies – from chemical and pharmaceutical industries to the high-tech sector. More than 5,000 chemicals are manufactured at CHEMPARK Leverkusen, mainly nitration and chlorination products, aromatics, fine chemicals and silicon chemicals.
Around 27,700 people (as at: 11/2015) work here, ensuring that CHEMPARK keeps on developing as a skills center. Know-how, efficiency and responsibility are key to the success of this chemical park site. Here, environmental protection and safety are considered just as important as cost-effectiveness and product quality.